torsdag 17. september 2015

The return Mark 2: consolidation and change

After a long period of inactivity I'm finally back to blogging, but unfortunately not to this blog.

I've decided to consolidate all my blogs into my main blog for a few reasons; the Getglue and later TVtag app meant I wrote most of my opinions/reviews during check-in, something that wasn't transferred to this blog - I've been writing shorter impressions rather than full reviews, but most of all I would like to write about a broader specter of film genres like; B-horror, live-action children's movies, fantasy, and adventure, something I felt I couldn't post anywhere with my very specific genre-related blogs.
My new tag "Bit-size impressions" are my thoughts or small reviews of a movie immediately after watching, and I'll be using this as a way to post more frequently without having to write a full review.

If you still follow or check out this blog from time to time (really? Wow, thank you!) and would like to read some of my newer posts I'd be honoured if you check out my main blog: snark, pedantry and random geekery.

Recent posts that might be interesting if you're interested in sci-fi include:
Bit-size impressions: 
The Category disaster mini-series: Cat. 6, Cat. 7, Cat. 8

Argh, this movie had such potential! The animation and digital effects/backgrounds are great (For their budget), the main actors are all capable, and still it ended up as this horrible train wreck. [...]

Retrograde impressions
Time travel is always a difficult subject to get right, it's especially difficult when you have a low budget B sci-fi movie that apparently couldn't afford a continuity checker.. [...]

Arctic Outbreak/The Thaw review
Arctic Outbreak, or "the Thaw" (real name according to movie and Imdb, no idea why it's been renamed) is... Err.. Hmm.
The first 40 minutes are bad. Really bad. A boring, preachy drek that insists on not showing you anything that's going on[..]
And yet.. I kinda like it.[...]

Sharknado has been seen
So, we finally sat down and watched the “cult B-movie that attracted a whole fan base of not really b-movie fans” and it was.. much better than I expected (in a bad B-movie way).
I think it manages to straddle the line between wink-wink and just low budget necessity really well, and while there’s some scenes that try too hard, I felt enough of the movie was trying genuinely to make its idiotic script work for it to be entertaining in the “bad B-movie” way. [...]

So long Sci-fi enthusiast, and thanks for all the fish!

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